NFT Marketplace Development: An Overview

A NFT marketplace development is the process of creating an online platform designed specially to sell and buy NFTs(Non-Fungible Tokens). An NFT marketplace development is the process of creating an online platform designed specially to sell and buy NFTs. NFT marketplace development is a million-dollar revenue-generating option for business to build their own marketplace to serve NFT seekers globally. NFT marketplace development is a step-by-step procedure to create an NFT marketplace platform beginning from UI/UX design to deployment of the marketplace. The NFT market has crossed the standard of billion dollars. Still, there are numerous popular NFT marketplace platforms generating lots of revenue. If you wish to start your own NFT marketplace platform? Then you are at the right place.

InnBlockchain is a leading NFT marketplace development company who have helped many startups to launch their NFT marketplace platform profitably. Our blockchain experts have successfully developed and deployed 30+ NFT marketplaces on various blockchain networks. We are the trendsetter in the crypto space by providing a power-pack, highly secure NFT marketplace for our clients.

Why Invest in NFT Marketplace Development Services?

Investing in NFT marketplace development services provides a range of compelling opportunities and advantages. This not only helps you tap into booming NFT trends but also opens up avenues for revenue generation via transaction fees and platform monetization. NFTs have changed the way digital assets are sold, bought, and owned. Developing a customized NFT marketplace will position you at the forefront of this crypto industry. Moreover, the NFT marketplace encourages community engagement, fosters artistic expression, and also offers a secure ecosystem for seamless transactions. As the NFT marketplace continues to grow, investing in an NFT marketplace will let you establish your brand in the digital space, where you can be highly profitable.

Best use Cases of NFT Marketplace Platform Development



A marketplace for art creators and collectors with hundreds of art pieces such as oil paintings, hand drawings, logos, and more. The NFT platform supports creators to openly trade their artwork without minding about copyright thefts or content copying.



The gamers could safely transfer their in-game assets like rare skin, Character cards, Fighting GIFs, Weapons, Players, Fan art, artifacts, and more along with proof of authenticity. Where users can win and claim special bonuses.

FreeStyle NFT

FreeStyle NFT

An NFT trading platform, especially for the street artist which ensures simple onboarding for artists who are newbies in the crypto space. Street artists monetize their work with FreeStyle NFT, a new 'home' for independent art!



NFT music marketplace development involves creating a platform to support musicians to tokenize their creations and list them on the NFT exchange development to reach their fan clubs globally. In NFTs, musicians do not need to rely on a record label or middleman to sell their work. This entirely removes privacy from the music industry.



A Sports NFT marketplace development involves creating a digital online platform in a way to supports the sportsman or sports enthusiasts or amateurs to tokenize their assets or sell/exchange iconic moments from sports games, video messages, baseball cards, sports accessories, sportsman's autographs, and more as NFT.

Real Estate

Real Estate

A piece of land or physical property is unique by default. which could be simply defined and traded as NFTs. NFT shows a single source of evidence to prove property ownership and also ensures full traceability of the chain with the title.

NFT Ticketing

NFT Ticketing

Is a tokenized version of NFTs for both virtual and physical events. The ticket information is maintained on the blockchain which guarantees the authenticity of a ticket and the identity of an owner. NFTs help in ticket release at an inflated price.

Metaverse Staking

Metaverse Staking

Facilitates the users to stake their virtual property as NFTs, and gain staking rewards for that, or trade them on the marketplace. Moreover, the store offers a complete variety of in-game assets like paintings, apartments, furniture, wall panels, and more to buy and sell.

Architectural Components Of An NFT Marketplace Development

Following InnBlockchain's experience in end-to-end development of the NFT marketplace, we share an explanation for an Ethereum-based NFT marketplace

Architectural Components

NFT Marketplace Development Company
Architectural Components
Digital wallet

User uploads a Digital asset and fill in the metadata


A unique identifier is assigned to the asset and an NFT is Minted

Smart Contracts
Smart Contracts
Arrow Image


Front - End
Front - End
NFT Marketplace Development Company
Back - End
Back - End
Arrow Image
Arrow Image Arrow Image
Mongo DB
Mongo DB

The metadata verified and sent to an external data storage

Tech and Services
Arrow Image
ETH Gas station
ETH Gas station

The NFT is added to the blockchain

Architectural Components

Digital Wallet

  • A digital wallet is used to store, manage, and transact digital assets.
  • Temporarly store the metadata and forward to external data storage
  • Creates unique identity for every asset and mint NFTs.
  • NFTs are stored in the blockchain.

Architectural Components

  • A marketplace is a website where users can sell/buy NFTs. Generally, it incorporates client and server sides.
  • A Digital wallet is an online service to store digital funds.
  • NFT metadata is the explanation of digital assets which are sold as NFTs, it illustrates their name, owner, creation date, attributes, etc.
  • IPFS is a temporary storage system of the blockchain network. It is especially utilized to save bandwidth by retrieving data from numerous peers instantly.
  • Smart contracts create a unique identity for every NFT. Smart Contract use ERC 721 standard is used to build NFTs which is completely different from fungible tokens.
  • Blockchain is a distributed ledger that maintains the data about NFT transactions.

Techs and third-party services

  • Node with Typescript, Express, MongoDB, React JS, and TypeScript. These are the commonly used programming languages by InnBlockchain for NFT marketplace back-end development.
  • Solidity, RUST, or C++ is a programming language for the development of smart contracts.
  • MongoDB is a database utilized for quick blockchain access.
  • is a service that facilitates access to the Ethereum blockchain.
  • Ethereum is the widely used blockchain network for the NFT marketplace. It maintains NFT identifiers and connects them with the appropriate digital assets.
  • ETH Gas station gives data about the cost of Ethereum transactions.
  • CoinMarketCap is a price-tracking service for the cryptocurrency platform.

Our NFT Marketplace Development Services

NFT Development

NFT Development

NFT marketplace development incorporates tokenizing assets by creating and issuing a new token with high-end functionality based on the business need of clients.



Our Multi-chain NFT marketplace development solution helps you to establish an NFT marketplace supporting various blockchains. Where users can handle various NFTs on the same platform with separate access.



We use bridging protocols, decentralized exchange, and other interoperability solutions to build a cross-chain NFT marketplace. Facilitate your users to transfer NFTs across various chains.

Fractional NFT Marketplace

Fractional NFT Marketplace

Our fractional NFT marketplace solution has the potential to handle technical factors of fractionalization, along with blockchain & smart contracts to tokenize and manage ownership shares of NFT.

Decentralized NFT Marketplace Development

Decentralized NFT Marketplace Development

As a leading decntralized NFT marketplace development company we provide your platform users with greater control with our services to create decentralized NFT marketplace platform.

Metaverse NFT Marketplace Development

Metaverse NFT Marketplace Development

We provide you with numerous Metaverse NFT marketplace development services which helps you to launch a customized, impressive, and engaging metaverse platform with unique features and functionalities.

Key Steps of NFT Marketplace Development Solutions





Smart Contracts










NFT Marketplace

Requirement Gathering

We analyze the requirements of your target audience and research the competitors and competitive benefits of the fast-evolving NFT market to help you define a suitable niche.

NFT Marketplace Development Company

InnBlockchain Support Blockchain Platforms For NFT Marketplace Development Solutions

Our NFT marketplace development service offer some of popular blockchain networks to build an NFT marketplace from scratch. InnBlockchain is ready to use any of these platforms or ready to go with any other choice of the blockchain network on your recommendation to build an NFT marketplace to satisfy your target audience and also to gain high ROI with the solution.



Ethereum NFT marketplace development is the process that includes tasks like designing & implementing of smart contracts to handle NFT ownership. Ethereum charges high fees due to large carbon footprints which drive high transaction costs, hence it is under upgradation and expected to minimize the footprints by 99.95%.

Binance Smart Chain


BSC NFT marketplace development creates a digital platform that is compatible with Ethereum Virtual Machine, which means there is no need for additional development work for smart contracts to operate on Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain. Depends on the PoS consensus mechanism able to provide the least transaction fees.



Cardano NT marketplace development is the process of creating platform that utilizes a PoS, the energy-efficient protocol for blockchain networks, which provides the least transaction fees. It has CSL layer to handle cryptos and CCL layer for executing smart contracts.



We design polygon NFT marketplace in order to bring the future closer to reality by providing a framework compatible with Ethereum. It is a Layer 2 or Sidechain scaling solution run adjacent to the Ethereum blockchain providing a speedy transaction with the least fees.



Avalanche NFT marketplace development is the process designing online platform to address the blocilemma of security, scalability, and decentralization. The smart contract is designed to create blockchain interoperability by integrating numerous DeFi ecosystems.



Fantom NFT marketplace development is the process of creating online platform. It uses DAG consensus mechanism referred to as the Lachesis protocol. This protocol process transaction parallelly and also provides high throughput & low confirmation times.

Exclusive features we have provide our NFT Marketplace Development Services

Multiple Wallet

Multiple Wallet

Multiple Wallet

The platform is developed with several crypto wallet integration options which allows the users to signup and trade NFTs according to their desired wallets.

Lazy Minting

Lazy Minting

Lazy Minting

Lazy minting helps the users to create NFTs on-deman instead of pre-minting them before they sold. This save time & resources of creators and respond quickly to market demand.

Multi-chain Interoperability

Multi-chain Interoperability

Multi-chain Interoperability

A platform with the multi-chain interoperability option helps the users to buy NFT over various blockchain networks..




We include IPFS as a storage platform to store and share data in a distributed file system. Here content addressing is utilized to determine all files in a global namespace linking computing devices.

Auctions & Bids

Auctions & Bids

Auctions & Bids

One of the essential features of the NFT marketplace platform. Generally, NFT is put for sale via Auction. By setting the bid amount and expiration date users can easily check the status of the bids.




Storefront provides all the particulars about NFTs that have been created under specific collections. Moreover, it provides details about the owners, bids, and value history.

InnBlockchain Supports Token Standards for NFT Marketplace Development Services

InnBlockchain provides you with several token standards to make the NFT software development scalable, secure, and safe for its clients like you.

ERC 20

ERC 20

Are designed with the intention to provide a flexible template for developers to establish a diverse range of crypto assets that don't have their own blockchain but reside on the top of Ethereum. It is like a blueprint for the token which illustrates how they can be spent, who can spend them, and some other rules for their usage.

ERC 721

ERC 721

Symbolizes ownership of NFTs, and is able to define collectible, non-fungible items Via unique IDs, this means every token holds a separate value. The user could transfer and trade these tokens depending on their market value, which is based on the token's rarity or utility.

ERC 1155

ERC 1155

This standard is designed specially for NFT marketplace development process to control fungible and semi-fungible token with a single smart contract. ERC 1155 facilitates multiple transactions in a single operation with the hee ERC 165 known as the Standard Detection Interface.

ERC 2981

ERC 2981

Is a universal royalty standard for numerous asset types. This interface signals a royalty amount that needs to be paid to NFT creators whenever NFT is sold. This standard is developed especially for the NFT marketplace development process to provide universal support for royalty payment across all the NFT marketplace and ecosystem participants.

ERC 998

ERC 998

This standard adds the potential for non-fungible tokens to own other fungible ERC 20 tokens or non-fungible ERC 721 tokens. Transferring the token composition means transferring the complete hierarchy of items. ERC 998 facilitates you to compose a new token from a group of ERC 721 assets.

ERC 5192

ERC 5192

This standard offers a minimal interface to make tokens soulbound with the feature detection functionality of EIP 165. A solubound token is a NFT bound to a single account.

ERC 5679

ERC 5679

This standard presents a constant way to extend token standards for minting and burning. Minting and Burning are distinct actions for creating and destroying NFTs. Instead of using a different method with ERC 5679 burning and minting can be done with a single method.

ERC 6150

ERC 6150

It provides a multi-layer file system like hierarchical NFTs. This standard is specially used to provide interfaces to get children NFTs or parent NFTs. This standard is used to maintain the hierarchical relationship between the root node and the leaf node.

Why Choose InnBlockchain for best NFT Marketplace Development services?

Recently, the NFT market is on the rise, and there is a constant increase in new successful projects over NFT. Every company works hard to come up with a unique selling proposition and to become the biggest player in the market. Professional in blockchain-based decentralized apps development, and NFT marketplace app development, InnBlockchain offers a set of specialist consulting and NFT marketplace development services to support you in the implementation of a successful NFT marketplace.

NFT Marketplace Consulting

NFT Marketplace Consulting

Instead of build NFT marketplace from scratch, we support you to determine an appropriate niche for your NFT marketplace and design the NFT marketplace development solutions in a way to satisfy the most demanding requirements of your target audience. If you have an oscillation in your idea, we are ready to guide you with multiple alternative options to assure you of a high payoff from the NFT marketplace launch.

Go For Consultant
NFT marketplace development

NFT marketplace development

Our professionals take care of all the factors for your marketplace creation, including the solution's storefront design, smart contract development, and implementation of strong security controls. Moreover, we entirely project management and also give a regular report on the accomplished tasks.

Go For Development
About InnBlockchain

About InnBlockchain

InnBlockchain is a professional IT consultant and software development provider headquartered in South India. We exuberantly utilize the blockchain to create innovative business models and support our clients to step forward in the growing NFT business by building smart NFT marketplace developmentsolution. Being a certified NFT marketplace development company, we guarantee high-quality service and also ensure the safety of your customer data.

FAQ - NFT Marketplace Development Solutions

The NFT marketplace development cost & time entirely depend on the design and development process requested by you. But approximately the cost range from 5k to 20k based on numerous factors like blockchain chosen, number of developers, number of hours allotted, technologies used, features requested, and plan you opted for.
Absolutely yes, if you are interested in NFT marketplace services then you can undoubtedly trust InnBlockchain. Who supports you in developing and deploying a successful NFT marketplace to specify a corporate identity and satisfy your goals.
If you are interested in launching an NFT marketplace platform like OpenSea then you can consult with us. We will help you in all ways for the successful launch of your NFT platform to comfort your user with simple buy and sell with your platform.
As an owner of the platform, you could earn money from the NFT platform through service fees, minting fees, bidding fees, and commissions from both seller and buyer.
To be precise is nothing but a feature set like mobile app development, third-party integration, and more. It is much more tedious to guess the average cost of an NFT marketplace as everything changes greatly from project to project.
InnBlockchain is the best company with experienced developers knowledgeable with updated trends and technological developments to offer you cutting-edge NFT marketplace development services.
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When it comes to block chain, the security regarding attributes plays a significant role and hence we majorly prioritized on the quality of the script to provide you with an unwavering solution.

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